Hello! Thank you so much for downloading this template. This is a note about how you can make this template as fitting as possible, and how you can use this.. let’s call it scratch… to build your notion.

First of all. This is the free version of my student template. I really like it, but it lacks a few features you might find in the paid one. But let that not stop you. You have all your essentials right here!

Personally, the colours and widgets really makes the difference in whether you’re pleased with your template. So please! Feel free to change the cover - I find it the easiest to just use the unsplash function. You can change the heading colours by tapping on the left side of them, and changing background colour. My fave widget websites are indify.com , widgetbox.app and giphy.com

This can take some time, but to make the process a little bit easier I would recommend changing the templates - especially in the subjects area. Just tap on the blue button to the right, tap on the three dots on the default button, and change the colours. There are several databases built in the default notetaking template - so make sure to edit the last → and then the first one.

If you have a different time zone than me, go to widgetboxapp and choose the retro clock. Set your time zone, copy link → paste and embed it.

If you want to add giphs or playlists, copy link the widget and embed it in your template.

Pro tip: Download notion calendar, so you can connect your assignment calendar to your google calendar and many more calendars. In this way you can keep everything organized in one place!!

If you like this but wished there was a more advanced version - fear not, the pink studentplanner is amazing!

Please email me, or dm me on my social medias if you have any questions!! Love, in_notion🌷